Emergency Health Services visit from Grandmedical

Emergency Health Services visit from Grandmedical

Emergency Health Services visit from Grandmedical

Nuray Kahya, wife of Chief Physician Mümtaz Kahya, who works at Manisa Private Grandmedical Hospital, and Hospital Nursing Services Manager Ayşe Tatar visited Manisa Provincial Ambulance Service Chief Physician Gülbin Aydoğdu Umaç to celebrate the 1-7 December 112 Emergency Health Services Week.

While the Grandmedical Delegation drew attention to the importance of emergency health services, they stated that there was great satisfaction with the ambulance services in Manisa. Ambulance Service Chief Physician Gülbin Aydoğdu Umaç said that they provide intensive service day and night throughout the province and that they make a great effort to bring citizens to health services as soon as possible. Umaç also thanked the Grandmedical delegation for the visit.