Health support for SGK employees from Grandmedical

Health support for SGK employees from Grandmedical

Health support for SGK employees from Grandmedical

A health services protocol was signed between Manisa Private Grandmedical Hospital and Manisa Social Security Institution Provincial Directorate. According to the protocol, SSI personnel and their family members will be able to benefit from the hospital's outpatient treatment services at a discount.
A health services protocol was signed between Manisa Private Grandmedical Hospital and Manisa Social Security Institution Provincial Directorate for the institution's staff and their dependents (spouse, child, mother, father) to benefit from outpatient health services provided by full-time doctors at a discounted rate. The protocol was signed by Hospital Chief Physician Op. Dr. Mümtaz Kahya, SGK Provincial Director Buket İnce, Deputy Provincial Director İsmail Aktaş and Health Payments Service Chief Abdullah Tuncal attended. SGK Provincial Director İnce thanked the hospital management for the discounted health service provided to the institution's staff. Chief Physician Mümtaz Kahya also stated that they are pleased to offer discounted health services to the staff and their families of the SSI Provincial Directorate, which operates with an intense work tempo.