University project from Grandmedical

University project from Grandmedical

University project from Grandmedical

Manisa Provincial Health Director Specialist. Dr. Erol Karaca visited Private Grandmedical Hospital. Hospital Board Chairman Dr. Karaca, who was welcomed by Üzeyir Dindar, supported Grandmedical's project to become a training and research hospital within the foundation university, which is described as "third level".

Provincial Health Director Specialist. Dr. Karaca met with the managers of Private Grandmedical Hospital, one of the most important health institutions in Manisa. Chairman of the Board of Directors, Expert. Dr. Üzeyir Dindar and Chief Physician Op. Dr. Karaca, who was hosted by Mümtaz Kahya, was told about the new projects of the hospital. Chief Physician Op. Dr. Kahya said, “As Grandmedical Hospital, we aim to be a tertiary healthcare institution. Our hospital currently has a total of 30 thousand square meters of health area. We have created the necessary infrastructure in this sense to become a third step. Our aim is to bring a private university to Manisa and to develop our city in the field of health. Because Manisa needs a private university," he said.


Stating that Grandmedical's goal of becoming a tertiary care hospital is satisfactory, Specialist said. Dr. Karaca said, “It would be nice if Grandmedical took such an initiative. Of course we support. We do not differentiate between hospitals as private or public hospitals. These services are always for the benefit of the citizens. Since private hospitals have SSK agreements, I consider private hospitals as 'private public hospitals'. The best investments are made during the saving period. Health is an area that is always in need. It would be nice to invest in this area. "We support you," he said. During the visit, Provincial Health Director Specialist. Dr. To Karaca, Head of Health Services, Specialist. Dr. He was accompanied by F. Neslim Yağlı and Vice President Hatice Güney. Hospital Board Member Furkan Dindar, Hospital Manager Mehmet Başaran, Nursing Services Manager Ayşe Tatar and Corporate Marketing Manager Birgül Çetin were also present at the meeting.